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  Over the years there have been many RVHT applications. A partial list includes:

  • Investigating the use of virtual humans for interaction training and assessment. Applications developed or in progress include assessing medical practitioners in history taking for both asthmatic and pediatric patients, training civilian police officers in how to handle mentally disturbed individuals, and training telephone and field interview staff in obtaining respondent participation;

  • Developing virtual vignettes for a project designed to identify the underlying neurocognitive and emotional regulatory mechanisms in behavioral disorders that at-risk youth and prison inmates often present and to understand how these mechanisms influence treatment outcomes;

  • As part of a set of studies to assess social functioning deficits in childhood cancer survivors as compared to healthy children, usage of a standardized instrument for facial expression recognition employing Facial Action Coding System action units to systematically manipulate facial expressions, and an easy-to-use interface for the target pediatric population;

  • Identifying training for the interaction skills warfighters need to effect successful outcomes in social encounters with strangers in unfamiliar or hostile environments, for U.S. forces involved in operations that result in interaction with local civilians. Such training centered on warfighters' approach and engagement with strangers, orientation to unfamiliar patterns of behavior, recovery from social errors, conflict de-escalation, transition in and out of force situations, and discovering and adapting to the unexpected;

  • Investigating models of cultural daily activities and patterns of life integrated into simulations of synthetic characters inhabiting an urban environment, addressing background at scale, variation, and anomaly and normalcy. Interleaved representation of two classes of agent patterns act in concert to present a cohesive scenario: fuzzy state machines for low level ‘clutter’ presentation of many individuals, and sophisticated cognitive agents for emulating high-value individuals;

  • Developing an automated language-based assessment system that is primarily self-administering with clearly presented directions to a patient using both visual illustrations and avatar-based verbal instructions. Demonstrating the implementation of speech recognition using a virtual neuropsychologist that is sufficiently accurate to permit computer administration of verbally-based neuropsychological tasks including word-list learning, confrontation naming, and aural comprehension;

  • Developing software to allow students and instructors to interact with simulated patients (whether hands-on or screen-based), to be used for realistic medical training experiences.

  • Developing and refining an intervention to supplement cognitive behavioral therapy skill development already provided during adolescents' treatment during hospitalization. Increasing key targets of behavior change (skill acquisition and utilization) by allowing adolescents to practice CBT skills in virtual school environments under the guidance of a trained clinician during their hospital stay.


This material is based on work supported by a number of agencies.